Independence and community integration for people with intellectual disabilities.
Building Community ~ Promoting Employment ~ Increasing Self-Sufficiency
Welcome To WATCH
50 Years Tells a Story
Our story began in 1972 in the old Poverty Hill School house in Stent. We were the first state funded service for adults with intellectual disabilities in Tuolumne County. In the beginning there were 8 Individuals attending this newly established activity center.
Today, we serve 162 individuals and provide services that increase self sufficiency and support each individual's full participation in the community.
WATCH Resources, Inc.
12801 Cabezut Road
Sonora, CA USA 95370
209 533-0510
Office Hours
8:30 to 4:00
Monday - Friday
Our employees say it best!

A Day at WATCH

Learning & Working
WATCH can help you find and keep a job, learn to use a computer or cook a meal.
Supported Employment - A job coach will help you at your job in the community.
Visions - A learning enviroment with a job training component. Each trimester you choose the classes or work areas you're interested in. You set the goals for each area with your support team.

Home & Recreation
Live the life you choose in your community.
Supported Living - Coaches help you in your home to learn and use the skills that will help you maintain your independence.
HI-GEAR - Choose from a monthly calendar of social and recreational events in our community and out-of-town.
Goldstrike Residence - Live in a home in San Andreas, CA with staff on duty 24 hours a day.
Just for Business

These are just a few of the fun activities you might enjoy at WATCH. If you are interested in joining us contact:
Mica Sutton
(209) 533-0510 x 103

Find out how WATCH can
help your business.
Sheena Nelson
(209) 533-0510 x109